Enroll In Monthly Giving Today

How many forgotten subscriptions clutter your inbox? It’s time to hit “unsubscribe” on the ordinary and embrace a commitment that echoes hope in a child’s future – The Heart of the Club Monthly Donor Program! Elevate your impact today by joining hands with other dedicated Club staff and community affiliates to enact positive change and directly support local youth in need. The Heart of the Club is more than just a subscription, it’s your chance to change lives.



Thank you for considering joining The Heart of the Club today. Your contribution allows you to join a community of committed givers who are letting kids know that you are on their team as they work to build great futures. For as little as $25 a month, your donation will help to fund vital programs that make a significant impact in the lives of thousands of children and teens across our region.


Give Now

Need more information?

Please contact Terri Tubbs at 770-532-8102, ext. 324 or ttubbs@bgclanier.org

Two Easy Options to Give Monthly:

Automated Debit/Credit

An amount of your choice is automatically transferred from your credit or debit account to Boys & Girls Clubs of Lanier each month.


Each of your debit or credit card purchases are rounded up to the next dollar and the difference is gifted to Boys & Girls Clubs of Lanier each month.